
This group consists of about twenty-five tender, evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees from New Zealand, Australia, Tasmania, Borneo, Malaya, New Caledonia, and Chile. These plants are commonly known as Huon Pines. Some varieties are valued in their native countries for their durable wood, which is used for building purposes, making furniture and cabinets, etc... D. franklinii is a large shrub or small, conical tree with thin, pendant branches, which are clothed in bright green, scale-like leaves.

Pot Cultivation

Huon Pines can only be grown in warm climates. They will thrive in moist, peaty or loamy soil that has good drainage; they are not suited for limy soil.


Cuttings, 4 or 5 inches long, can be inserted in sand in a propagating greenhouse, in the summer.

D. franklinii D. cupressinum


  • D. franklinii (Huon Pine);
  • D. cupressinum (Rimu). 

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